Which Brands of Chinese Drywall Are Most Common in this Area (Update 2022)

Which Brands Of Chinese Drywall Are Most Common In This Area (Update 2022)

Update: The most popular drywall brands are still the ones listed below. The most popular brand in Alabama that we found at the time was made by Knauf. We also found some of the other brands. It was harder to identify these as they were sometimes not branded with anything other than a stamp saying where they were made. Most houses have had their chinese drywall remediated at this point so the chances of having any type of chinese drywall is significantly less (though still possible) than it was ten years ago when this article was first published. Check the CPSCs website or this blog for ways to look for chinese drywall.

Although more than two dozen different Chinese brand drywall boards are thought to be possibly installed in homes in the USA (per labeling by the Multi District Class Action Lawsuit- MDL), the ones we have most often found in our area of Alabama indentified as of Chinese origin are: Knauf (several brand variants), Venture, Prowall, and an unmarked board of Chinese origin.

Some exceptions are occasionally found, and recognizing non-labeled boards that are Chinese drywall is one of the challenges with a visual inspection. Another challenge is recognizing domestic drywall boards in order to rule them out as not being of Chinese drywall origin is another challenge. The MDL indentifies just 4 brands as being non-Chinese in origin. However, we have found several dozen different boards that identify themselves as made by companies in the USA.