Home Inspection Repairs?
Now that you have had your home inspection it is time to knock out that repair list. The first thing to do is a get a quote from a Birmingham Contractor. Most inspection reports specify what type of contractor is needed to do said repair. If it is an HVAC problem for instance, than the report typically might say to “Consult a qualified HVAC technician.”
We always recommend that you using qualified contractors when possible. There are many contractors out there that do not have the proper expierence. Often times your home inspectors has heard the names of many different conractors. If you call his office they can typically point you in the right direction.
Crawlspace Inspection and Repair
Crawlspace inspection and repair is something you have to watch out for. Crawlspace repairs are very nuisanced and based on what is typical and what is not typical. If it is not in the report be very hesitant about ‘repairing it.’ In todays world there is a new industry based on changing the orginal intention of the crawlspace from an area that drys out in between rains to one that is always dry. This is sometimes warranted but often times is not needed. So if a company shows up and says that a large amount of money is needed for repairs than think twice before writing that check. For major repairs always get more than one quote. Again check with your home inspector for a list of contractors.
How important is the inspection repair?
The repair can be fixed most likely in a number of ways. There is more than one way to go about the problem typically. This mean sthat you can pay someone to do a cheaper repair or someone to do a more expensive repair. Typically, you get what you pay for. So if you are looking for high quality work and you pay someone bottom dollar, your expecatations need to be realigned to the price you are paying.
Foundation Repair Mobile AL
Foundation Repairs are something that needs to be done correctly when the problem is serious. However, it is hard to know when you are being sold something or you actually have a problem. The home inspector has no dog in the fight and is a third party hired professional so they can be trusted. Contractors on the other hand have an angle to be played. Some of them are certainly good but sometimes some of them can be good but sometimes they try and sell repairs whether they need to be done or not. This can lead to a signifcant downside as you are out money and then you have possible disclosure issues when you go and resale the house. Ask your inspector for a list of trusted foundation pros. This is something that should be left to chance when so much money is on the line.
Bought A House? Read This. Getting Ready for the Home Inspection
Bought a house? Read this --Top preparation tips in getting ready for your home inspection. Home inspections aren't regular events in most people's lives and many including first time buyers are not familiar with the process.Can I attend my home inspection? Yes for...
The unlucky few club
Don’t be a member of the “unlucky few home buyers’ club”. We get this question all the time: " What’s the worst thing that you've ever found?". Before I attempt to answer this, I have to state that most home inspections never really have these types of big...
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